If you exercise at a health club or gym, “gym boredom” will creep up. It has for me, and occasionally I switch up my routine for some fresh air and a change of scenery. Here are a few tips to add some variety to your workout and incorporate some fun, too!
1. Try doing your workout routine outdoors including your own back yard. Trade in the health club for your neighborhood park, local city park, high school or middle school. Many schools have a stadium with a track and the bleachers are a great way to get your heart rate pumping and tone your lower half.
Here are a few of my favorite routines I do outdoors when the weather permits:
1. Park Bench Dips—this exercise focuses on the triceps, chest, biceps, shoulders, and core.
2. Park Bench Pushups—also focuses on the chest, biceps, triceps etc.
3. Power skips—the power skip is one of my favorite cardio and toning exercises. It focuses on the lower half of your body; calves, quads, hamstrings and of course the glutes. This is a plus for women because lately it's all about the derriere:)
Power skips also improve flexibility, coordination and increases muscle tone.
Get outdoors today if the weather permits. Don't forget to stretch before and after your workout routine. Look for my upcoming post on the benefits of stretching!