Our decision to eat more veggies and fruits didn't happen overnight, but our decision to start A Thoughtful Plate did! Incorporating more fruits and veggies onto our plate is something my husband and I have done for years. However, in 2017 we decided to kick it up a notch and remove animal-based products from our diet.
We began posting videos and pictures on social media of new dishes we were trying and noticed everyone wanted to know more! Family, friends, co-workers, and neighbors loved the healthy twist we put on traditional dishes. My husbands' 30-minute lunch break became an event, and his "greener plates" were sampled throughout his job! People began to notice the significant weight loss, glowing skin, and new bounce in our steps—they wanted in!
You might ask what encouraged our transition? Well, here are a few game changers; excessive weight gain, hypertension, cancer, menopause, memory loss & joint injury (from weight gain). The methods corporations began applying to mass-producing meat and poultry products was the biggest reason. Unfortunately, we learned many mass distributors and farmers of animal products continue to use unhealthy and dangerous practices.
We met with our doctors, researched a (vegan) whole-foods, plant-rich diet, and began our green journey. After several months we both noticed significant changes in our overall health. Along with eating healthier, we joined a health club to include regular exercise in our routine and began consuming less sugar and processed foods.
Was it easy? Nope, but it was worth it!
We had so much support from family and friends we decided to open our own business, offering meal prep and meal planning services. Maybe one day we'll open a small vegan café—I'm probably getting ahead of myself! We'll see where this goes . . .
Until then, please visit our website often, comment on our blog and lets share ideas on all things healthy. Don't forget to put something green on your plate :)
From our Kitchen to Yours,
Chef MoeVito & Chef Lisabii